Current Issue
2024 Vol.18, Issue 6
Examining the Influencing Factors of Base and Heating Energy Use Intensities for the Energy Benchmarking of School Buildings
교육시설 에너지 벤치마킹을 위한 연간 기저 및 난방 에너지 영향 인자 분석
Kim, Han-Joo, Joo, Hyung-Bin, Kim, Deuk-Woo, Heo, Yeon-Sook
김한주, 주형빈, 김덕우, 허연숙
Examining the Influencing Factors of Base and Heating Energy Use Intensities for the Energy Benchmarking of School Buildings
Analysis of Indoor and Outdoor Noise Environments in One-room Type Multi-family Housing Focused on the University Town
대학가 주변 원룸형 다가구주택의 실내외소음 환경 분석
Jang, Ha-Eun, Lee, Jeong-Hun
장하은, 이정훈
Analysis of Indoor and Outdoor Noise Environments in One-room Type Multi-family Housing Focused on the University Town
Evaluation Framework for Solar DC Electrification Systems for Sustainable Energy Independence of Vulnerable Groups
취약계층의 지속가능한 에너지 자립을 위한 태양광 DC 전기화 시스템 평가 프레임워크 도출
Kim, Eun-Young, Kim, Yong-Ki, Baek, Cheong-Hoon
김은영, 김용기, 백정훈
Evaluation Framework for Solar DC Electrification Systems for Sustainable Energy Independence of Vulnerable Groups
Development of a Prefabricated BIPV Unit Roof System to Enhance Constructability
시공성 향상을 위한 프리패브 BIPV 유닛 지붕시스템 개발
Baek, Cheong-Hoon, Kim, Eun-Young, Kim, Yong-Ki
백정훈, 김은영, 김용기
Development of a Prefabricated BIPV Unit Roof System to Enhance Constructability
A Study on the Quantification of Energy Saving Effects in Water-side Economizer Systems
외기냉수냉방 시스템의 에너지 절감 효과 정량화에 대한 연구
Kim, Se-Hyeon, Lee, Je-Hyeon, Kim, Dong-Gyu
김세현, 이제헌, 김동규
A Study on the Quantification of Energy Saving Effects in Water-side Economizer Systems
Energy Performance Analysis of Green Remodeling for Public Buildings (Public Health Center)
공공건축물(보건소) 대상으로 한 그린리모델링 적용 건축물의 에너지 성능 분석
Lee, Sang-Yeob, Yang, Jae-Kwang
이상엽, 양재광
Energy Performance Analysis of Green Remodeling for Public Buildings (Public Health Center)
DataNet: A Framework for Linking Nationwide Building Energy Datasets to Support Effective Performance Analysis
데이터넷: 건물부문 탄소중립 가속화를 위한 건물 에너지 및 영향인자 정보의 통합관리 기반 구축
Shin, Hye-Ry, Kim, Hye-Gi, Kim, Deuk-Woo
신혜리, 김혜기, 김덕우
DataNet: A Framework for Linking Nationwide Building Energy Datasets to Support Effective Performance Analysis
Evaluation of Carbon Reduction and Utilization Possibility as Building Exterior Material through Reforestation Scenario of Domestic Timber
국산재의 재조림 시나리오를 통한 탄소 저감 및 건축 외장재로서의 활용 가능성 평가
Jeong, Hyeon-Woo, Park, Hae-Deun, Chang, Seong-Jin
정현우, 박해든, 장성진
Evaluation of Carbon Reduction and Utilization Possibility as Building Exterior Material through Reforestation Scenario of Domestic Timber
Analysis of Regional Impacts of Climate Change Scenarios on Heating and Cooling Loads in Office Buildings
지역별 기후변화 시나리오 영향에 따른 사무소 건물의 냉·난방부하에 미치는 영향 분석
Chung, Sung-Hoon, Chung, Woong-June
정성훈, 정웅준
Analysis of Regional Impacts of Climate Change Scenarios on Heating and Cooling Loads in Office Buildings